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, He is a professor in Télécom Paris's Department of Images, Data, and Signals and the head of the Audio Data Analysis and Signal Processing team. His research interests are machine learning for audio and multimodal data analysis. He has been involved in various collaborative French and European research projects, among them Quaero, Networks of Excellence FP6-Kspace, FP7-3DLife, FP7-REVERIE, and FP-7 LASIE. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed conference and journal papers, with more than 100 distinct co-authors. On a regular basis, he serves as a reviewer for various machine-learning, signal processing, Sanjeel Parekh received B. Tech (hons.) degree in electronics and communication engineering from LNM Institute of Information Technology, India in 2014 and M.S. in Sound and Music Computing from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), 2001.

, He is currently with InterDigital, France. His research interests include various aspects of audio and image/video analysis and processing. Since 2016, he has been a Distinguished Member of the Technicolor Fellowship Network and is currently a Member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Technical Committee. He is currently an Associate Editor for the, Alexey Ozerov received the M.Sc. degree in mathematics from the Saint-Petersburg State University, 1999.

Q. K. Ngoc, He is currently a Senior Scientist with InterDigital, France. He is the co-author of more than 45 scientific papers and about 30 patent submissions. His research interests include signal processing and machine learning, applied to audio, image, and video. He was the recipient of the several research awards, including the IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award, Duong received the B.S. degree from the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Hanoi City, Vietnam, in 2004, the M.S. degree in electronic engineering from Paichai University, 2004.