, The order of authors reflects the sequence of contributions to the two-part article series as follows

G. Blank,

M. Ragnedda, Economic class)

H. Ono,

B. Hogan,

, Gustavo Mesch (Race and ethnicity

S. R. Cotten, Aging

B. Susan, Kretchmer (Disability)

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C. Ball, K. Huang, R. V. Rikard, and S. R. Cotten, The emotional costs of computers: An expectancyvalue theory analysis of predominantly low-socioeconomic status minority students' STEM attitudes, Information, Communication & Society, vol.22, issue.1, p.16, 2019.

C. Ball, K. Huang, S. R. Cotten, and R. V. Rikard, Gaming the SySTEM: The relationship between video games and the digital and STEM divides, Games and Culture, vol.15, issue.5, p.16, 2018.

C. Ball, K. Huang, S. R. Cotten, and R. V. Rikard, Pressurizing the STEM pipeline: An expectancy-value theory analysis of youths' STEM attitudes, Journal of Science Education and Technology, vol.26, issue.4, p.16, 2017.

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S. R. Cotten, Technologies and aging: Understanding use, impacts, and future needs

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S. R. Cotten, E. A. Yost, R. W. Berkowsky, V. Winstead, and W. A. Anderson, Designing technology training for older adults in continuing care retirement communities, 2017.

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M. L. Fang, S. L. Canham, L. Battersby, J. Sixsmith, M. Wada et al., Exploring privilege in the digital divide: Implications for theory, policy, and practice, Gerontologist, vol.59, issue.1, p.16, 2019.

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T. M. Hale, W. S. Choi, and S. R. Cotten, eHealth: Current evidence, promises, perils and future directions, Studies in Media and Communications, vol.15, 2018.

T. M. Hale, M. Goldner, M. Stern, P. Drentea, and S. R. Cotten, Patterns of online health searching 2002-2010: Implications for social capital, health disparities and the de-professionalization of medical knowledge, vol.32, p.16, 2014.

R. Hämäläinen, B. Wever, A. Malin, and S. Cincinnato, Education and working life: VET adults' problem-solving skills in technology-rich environments, Computers & Education, vol.88, p.16, 2015.

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K. Huang, L. Robinson, and S. R. Cotten, Mind the emotional gap: The impact of emotional costs on student learning outcomes, Communication and Information Technologies Annual>, vol.10, p.16, 2015.

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M. Jiang, H. S. Tsai, S. R. Cotten, N. J. Rifon, R. Larose et al., Generational differences in online safety perceptions, knowledge, and practices, Journal of Educational Gerontology, vol.42, issue.9, p.16, 2016.

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R. Junco and S. R. Cotten, No A 4 U: The relationship between multitasking and academic performance, Computers & Education, vol.59, issue.2, p.16, 2012.

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S. B. Kretchmer and T. Drabowicz, Exploring the disability digital divide: Research that impacts interventions through policy and practice, p.16, 2018.

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